Thoughts, Musings, News About The Site And My Photography
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, please email me on artcore-cafe (at) and I will try to answer. If you don't see any recent posts, hit refresh (F5)!
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Major Medical Emergency14th December 2024 06:10 We've had a major medical emergency in the family, and I have had to come to the US at a moment's notice. I will be here for the foreseeable future. All shoots cancelled, and I may not get to Peru either. I will keep publishing the updates (everything is scheduled up to the end of March), and keep an eye on things. Apart from that the sites will have to take a back seat for a while. |
Fuck Off Leon30th November 2024 17:50 I've had enough of X, I'm joining the Xodus. Just too much fascism, especially for someone who is woke and proud of it. I wiped my personal account a while ago, I will keep @artcoreck for a while as I do get some DMs there. I will only post on it in an emergency. So... I'm on BlueSky, with the same name! Only one post at the moment, as I am trying to understand how the moderation works. Sadly, I can't find a "follow button" like X, so you'll have to do it yourself. I'm |
Ten Tomorrow31st October 2024 18:45 I can't do the birthday post on the day this year as I am travelling all day tomorrow - I'm going to a show in La Louviere in Belgium for the weekend :) Anyway, 10 years! I can't believe it. If you have been around for a lot of the time (and I know some of you have, thanks!) then you probably can't either. I have more material than ever awaiting publication, so as long as I don't get hit by a bus or something we will be going on for years, even if I don't pick up a camera again - and that is unlikely :) |
First Time Ever22nd September 2024 10:43 I was doing a big workshop in Brno, with 5 different models. I had been given this girl's real name (obviously I won't put that here), and happily shot her over 3 days. At the end we did the paperwork, and she called herself "Juicy Mermaid". Last night I was going through all the photos of the models' ids, and this one looked a bit familiar. I went through my records, and found I had shot her as Aika May 8 years ago! I wonder if she had recognised me and thought I was a complete idiot! In my defense, she now has a lot more tattoos, bigger boobs, and has had a mole on her face removed... It can be surprisingly difficult to recognise models after a few years, but I never thought I could do a complete shoot and not realise I had shot the girl before! |
That Was A Day21st August 2024 08:10 It started with a blast down my favourite road, the A31 from the Hog's Back down to Winchester. Then a couple of hours wandering around Hinton Ampner with a really good lunch. Then a long shoot with the gorgeous Suki Star and her handsome boyfriend Zack doing their first ever B/G shoot. Then the blast back up the A31. And finally, a cheese sandwich with some amazing Mango & Ginger National Trust pickle. I leave it to you, dear reader, to decide which was the best part :) |
A Lot More Travel18th July 2024 12:12 After 3 weeks in Spain with Amelia, where we did 4 shoots with other models but not as much solo stuff as I expected, I have been in Belgrade for a week (I was at home for 3 days!) for 3 more shoots. The D drive on my laptop is now full! I have 2 weeks at home to clear some space before I am on the road again... Here's some Barbie Ghoul, an american girl living in Barcelona |
Price Increase1st July 2024 08:02 I have just implemented the price increase I mentioned a few weeks ago. As I stated then, it is because of the 90% increase in my largest cost for running the site, the flat rate credit card fee I have to pay. Blame the credit card companies! Anyway, the prices have gone up by around 10%. Ongoing recurring memberships should be unaffected. |
Serious Weekends11th June 2024 14:14 That was busy! The show in Athens last weekend, 3 nights at home, and then the show in Mons. I think my days of standing in a crowd for 12 hours taking pictures are behind me - I can only do about 4 hours a day now! Also, to be honest, the budgets at a lot of the shows are less now, and the paid porn sets aren't as good. I remember in 2015 at Mons when they had Carla Cox & Lena Love, and Lauren Crist & Victoria Sweet doing superb hard G/G every hour, and each one cost 10 euros. That was serious quality! This time the porn shows at Athens were reasonable, but I went to one porn show at Mons, and it was rubbish. To be fair the public shows were OK. Oh well... I will go to fewer shows. Next up, Venus Berlin! After all that I'm off to Spain for 3 weeks with Amelia Rose this weekend. We have 4 models already booked :) |
Forgot Password?5th May 2024 16:58 After nearly 10 years, a member just pointed out that there is no link to reset your password if you've forgotten it. Actually, he wasn't quite right, there is a link to do that but it's inside the member's area, so not a lot of use! Always willing to fix anything, I have added a "forgot password" link to the bottom of the front page :) |
Travel Advisory27th April 2024 10:29 I'm off to the USA for a while. Family business mostly, some sport to watch, and a big shoot in L.A. As usual, updates at funny times, etc :) |
Price Increase30th March 2024 11:16 Sorry, I am going to have to increase prices. If you have a recurring membership, as long as you keep it going, you will stay at the old prices. This isn't driven by me! My biggest single cost is the flat rate annual credit card fee which all adult sites have to pay, supposedly because we are a higher risk. This fee is the same if you are met-art, onlyfans, or a small site like mine. I have been informed that it is being increased by 90%. Yes, you read that right - 90%! It's only the second time I have increased prices since starting the site in 2014, and I think it is still pretty good value :) I haven't fixed the new prices yet, but the increase will be about 10% To make up for it, at least a bit, I am going to increase the amount of material published on the Cafe - 3 years ago I changed the way I shoot a bit, and the result is I now have a lot more material for that site, so I will publish an extra set every week. The new charges will apply from the beginning of July. |
Honey, I'm Home!9th March 2024 15:52 Back from Peru - and fed up with the cold in the UK already! I didn't shoot as much as usual this year - they are having a hell of a heatwave in Lima, and I really didn't have the energy. Sadly Joha isn't in Lima anymore, and I missed a visit from her by one day :( Also Tara is no longer doing the rudies... Still, there is some pretty special stuff coming up. And I'm off on a tour of Wales next week, with a couple of new girls lined up. |
Escape From Winter11th January 2024 07:18 Yup. Back in Lima again, in the apartment with the huge terrace & jacuzzi :) Loving the heat & sun already! I'll be here for a couple of months. We have lots of usual models, hopefully a couple of new ones, and a guest appearance from an english model who is here to do the Inca trail! |
Happy Christmas Again25th December 2023 08:20 They do roll around quickly, don't they! At least, they do when you're my age. I'm actually in Belgrade, where it isn't Christmas for another 12 days. I'm not just avoiding it, honest! Seeing a girlfriend, and doing a couple of shoots :) Yet again, I haven't done a new Christmas photo set, but I have at least put up a different pic this year! This one is even older, one of Kayla from before I started the site! |
4K Video25th November 2023 16:31 I've been asked about 4K video, and has also been mentioned on one of the review sites. The camera I have been using for the last 3 years does shoot 4K, but I have chosen so far to continue publishing at HD. The reason is that 4K videos are very big - it would strain the disk space on the server, and possibly the capacity of the data centre deliver it. I can't at the moment justify the cost of a larger server. FYI, I always just download HD videos myself anyway! |
Emergency Shoot30th September 2023 12:55 Liz contacted me to ask if I could shoot the surprisingly named Venom Evil, as she was touring the UK and had had a lot of cancellations. I jumped in to do a quick shoot, even though my house is still in bits! It has been a while... I'm off on 3 separate european trips in October, culminating with the Venus Berlin show. As usual, updates at funny times blah blah :) |
This Is Now Beyond A Joke14th September 2023 13:59 I got Covid in the US, and still had shingles! Bloody hell. Now we have broken drains in my apartment building, and my bathroom will have to be smashed up to repair them. Oh, and the car still isn't fixed. I don't think I'll ever get to start shooting again! |
Travel Advisory29th July 2023 16:27 I'm going away for a few weeks on family business in the US. As usual, I will keep an eye on things while I'm away as much as possible. |
One Damned Thing After Another21st June 2023 12:25 Car with a broken gearbox. Bank account with no money. Shingles... No wonder I haven't been shooting for a while! Things are coming back together now. I have a trip to Wales for a couple of weeks, and have at least 2 shoots set up :) |
Why The Dates?4th June 2023 19:31 I have been asked about the format of the dates on the site. A funny think to ask about, but there you go! The format is yyyy-mm-dd, and it has the advantage that it makes dates in numeric order, so I can have the system automatically sort the updates in date order, rather than having to sort them manually. It also means that no-one should really be confused, given the differences in formats in different countries. I have just been trying to work out whether my USA ESTA authorization expires on 5th July, or expired on 7th May - and I'm still not sure! |
An awful lot of work9th May 2023 08:02 10 weeks after getting home from Peru, I have just finished all the editing! I left Tara until last :) Unfortunately, I seem to have gone down with Shingles. If you know anything about that, you will know that I am unlikely to be doing much for several weeks. It is all I can manage to put up this post! |
Snowed Under18th March 2023 10:27 As always when I get back from my winter trip to Peru, I am (a) broke, and (b) snowed under with material to edit. Shooting almost every day for 5 weeks has that effect! I have done all the videos, but only about 1/4 of the photos! When it is all done I will need another holiday! |
Missing Pictures10th February 2023 15:13 OK. From here on you will see a lot of posts with no pictures. Why? I hear you ask. OK. Maybe not. I'm going to explain anyway. You are seeing the UK version of the blog, so I can't show you any naughty pictures. This was the date when I set up the UK version. All I did was wizz through a copy of the blog removing anything our stupid government might consider offensive. I could have spent days finding other pictures I could use, but it doesn't really seem worth it! |
Something Of A Surprise3rd January 2023 09:13 I got a message from Alison Wonderland yesterday. She's been in the US for years, but was here on holiday. She asked if we could do a shoot straight away! Well, it all got very complicated and stressed due to travel problems and train strikes, but we managed a couple of hours :) We did some fetish stuff for here for the first time. As usual, I will be off to Peru in a week or so. I will be shooting all the usual girls, and maybe one or two new ones! |
Happy Christmas25th December 2022 15:22 Happy Christmas yet again. Last Christmas I hoped this year would be better. Well, it wasn't! I will hold out hope for next year. We're kind of just hanging in here at the moment :(. I will be off to Peru in the New Year to avoid the worst of the winter, and do some shooting :) |
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