About Your Host
Photography is a hobby for me. I've studied the subject and worked at it, but I've never had any desire to do it for a living. Among many other things, I have been taking glamour photos for about 30 years, mostly shooting for myself, but occasionally doing professional work or personal portfolio work for models. This means that I can do what appeals to me, without the pressure of making a living. I deliberately shoot images to look more natural with character. I appreciate the effort that goes into the obsessively perfect images I often see, but I find them a bit cartoon-like. You could say that this means anyone with a decent camera could do what I do - I would reply that that's the point :)
I started shooting glamour in around 1991, and I used to make & sell large prints using my beautiful old Bronica. After several years away from glamour photography while travelling, it had all gone digital and the world changed! Early digital cameras were, to be fair, pretty crap (how many of us have picture collections from 15 - 20 years ago that look terrible now?), and it wasn't until 2011 that I got a camera I was reasonably happy with (a Leica X1). The result is that I have some lovely prints & scans from 25 or more years ago and will publish sometime (pre-1995 they are exempt from the current paperwork requirements), 10 years of occasional shoots of variable quality, a few decent sets from 2011 - 2012, and then things took off with my new Leica M in 2013. These days I shoot 3 - 4 times per month.
So... Why to I do this? I can assure you it's not for the money! I just love the girls - they are smart, independent, brave - oh, and drop dead gorgeous! Call it a "passion project", I'm just passing some money around, and hopefully a little happiness :)
By the way, ALL the material on this site is shot by me, and is exclusive. If you see these images elsewhere (except, possibly, on the models own portfolio or onlyfans etc), they have been stolen so please tell me.
The material I shoot for this site kind of mild bondage - either in an edgy dark style, or fun with girls being tied up and made to cum :) I don't do pain at all, and everything is done with the model's clear consent. Indeed, the first thing that usually happens when a girl is tied up is that she asks me to take photos for her on her phone! I have found glamour models, fashion models, pornstars, amateurs. To be on here, all a model has to do is attract my attention!
I can be contacted on artcore-cafe (at) outlook.com
Andrew D-D
London, UK
Artcore 's Cellar, Kitchen & Cafe
Follow @ArtcoreCK